Need a pathologiston-demand?

Whether it's a second opinion or help to manage your backlog of work, Labflow connects you to a qualified pathologist to provide on-demand opinions on a per specimen basis.

Virtual collaboration available using our cloud-based software.

If you don't already have a digital pathology solution in place, we can provide access to our cloud-based remote case viewer system at no additional cost.

Real-time, multi-user collaboration
Cyber security & data privacy commitments

How the directory connects laboratories and pathologists.


Pathologists create profiles, whilst laboratories create task listings.


The directory auto-identifies the task and matches to the relevant pathologist.


The laboratory chooses which pathologist(s) to work with.

/ Month
/ Year

Pathologists can create and publish profiles in our directory at no cost.

Create a profile
Choose serviceable regions
Display your college registration(s)
Choose your preferred hours
Decide services and set prices
Showcase your experience
/ Listing
/ Year

Laboratories can list individual specimens or multiple specimens at no cost.

Find a pathologist
Unlimited single/multi specimen jobs
Automatically notify eligible pathologists
Both virtual and in-person jobs supported
Handpick from directory of pathologists
Virtual collaboration software included
/ Transaction
/ Year

When a transaction is conducted, we autome billing, reporting, invoicing and processing.

Get started
Globally secure payment processing
Escrow service available on request
Automated invoicing and billing exports
Professional indemnity insurance options
24/7 customer support

Frequently Asked Questions

We built the pathologist directory to help organisations manage growing backlogs of pathology work. If you don't see your question answered here please reach out to us for clarification.

Are pathologists vetted before they join the directory?

Yes. Every pathologist that joins the directory must provide their credentials and accreditations which are independently verified by our team.

Are laboratories vetted before they join the directory?

Yes. We manually onboard each laboratory to determine their readiness for digital pathology and their expectations for using the directory.

Can a laboratory find pathologists with specific accreditations?

Yes. All pathologists are required to indicate their regional and specialist accreditations which are used to filter and find suitable pathologists.

What if my laboratory does not have remote pathology software?

We provide access to our viewer for free to be used when working with pathologists in our directory. No on-site setup or specialist training is required.

Can I use this directory to get first opinions instead?

Yes, however at this time we only provide professional indemnity insurance for second opinions so you must do so at your own risk.

Do you just do anatomical pathology?

Currently thats correct. That said we're actively working to expand into genome sequencing and other branches of pathology where remote is possible.

Optimise without compromise.

We enhance pathology workflows through simple, yet powerful digital solutions, with minimal human and IT effort. Want to learn more? Reach out for a live demo and a chat with one of our experts.

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